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The Random .giz Topic


Author Topic: The Random .giz Topic  (Read 441582 times)

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Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #150 on: March 25, 2009, 05:30:37 am »
Yay! Finally figured out how to get that MG2 Tails record...and beat it :D Kudos to Parax for inspiring me to do this (he really did nothing <_<)

Also thanks to SDM for the previous video, that is some great stuff :) (though my sonic was totally more epic <_<)

Edit: Wow, my old spindashing sucked. Like just a few months back, that was shocking. Anyway, 0:44 here, 0:43 might JUST be possible, this is pretty close and you'll see i wuss out on the last two hits as I didn't need to fly into him, otherwise the level was pretty smooth, I can't see like anytime at all being saved here....unless I played it for another 4 days heh <_<

Edit: Put in the SS method of OO2

Edit: Just showing the easy method here.

Edit: Here's something to enjoy, a GMV of my S3K route with Tails showing off exactly what I'm pressing. I'm a bit retarded and didn't realise player 2 had inputs the same as my Player 1 inputs (right = B i think) so ignore the orange shit. Total time: 26:58

Edit: Halp SDM - Redit: 8-0 XD
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 06:18:07 am by werster »

Offline FuzZerd

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #151 on: March 26, 2009, 03:20:39 am »
5th hit on final zone.  S1DD TAS and S1DD rom for RPG.

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #152 on: March 27, 2009, 07:48:49 am »
Another random TA of mine, expect more to come (maybe)

A cookie to the person who guesses which level i post next :o

Also, it's 0:51 in case you're wondering <_<

Edit: Got the :50 :D

Edit 2: 0:48. And this one is inspiration from Koshi, who, like Parax, really did nothing X)
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 12:34:28 am by werster »

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Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #153 on: March 30, 2009, 12:21:03 pm »
Carnival Night 1 Sonic.
Can I has cookie?
Im in ur TSCz, climin ur chartz!
My presssioussss....

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #154 on: April 02, 2009, 12:23:33 am »
SY3 1:04

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #155 on: April 06, 2009, 03:45:14 am »
SS-T done for league. Done in 20 minutes after round 2 started <_<

Also, this was so easy, and youll see where i fail. I think 0:34 is on the cards here :/

Also, I didn't show the death at the start cause that's boring <_<

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #156 on: April 06, 2009, 05:09:23 pm »
Sky Sanctuary Tails in 0'34 for the league.

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Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #157 on: April 09, 2009, 11:15:07 am »

Spring Stadium 2: 1:36

since SprintGod's vids are gone for this game, I recorded this for the league.  some mistakes, but eh...
my name has nothing to do with Shadow The Hedgehog

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Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #158 on: April 10, 2009, 09:16:56 am »
Yeah, both of these are prolly already known, they dont save much, but I use them and find them fun :(

Edit: yeah, its the s2k cn2
« Last Edit: April 12, 2009, 10:26:09 pm by wersterlobe »

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #159 on: April 13, 2009, 03:07:57 am »
L1 :45 and SS-T :34 (not that it really matters).  You better appreciate these; it was incredibly difficult to spend three extra seconds between each attempt to start recording.

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #160 on: April 13, 2009, 04:37:20 am »
Ok, this is almost -just- to prove miles wrong <_< 0:33 SS-T :D

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #161 on: April 13, 2009, 08:20:50 am »
So where's the .giz for everything else?

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #162 on: April 15, 2009, 04:00:49 am »
BLARGEN >:O!!! I will beat this ok :( That last enemy can gtfo. 1:06 atm :(

Edit: 1:03, much, much better. Also, in the bonus stage, i was going for an extra life, not a shield, good choice imo <_<
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 05:40:32 am by wersterlobe »

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #163 on: April 28, 2009, 06:03:04 am »
...OH COME ON. That was so a 1:21 :( This is subject to be beaten, but I don't know how realistic 1:20 is for me :(

Edit: 1:19. After about 348657 1:20s <_< Also 1:18 is possible...I fucking hate that spinwrap though...
« Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 04:51:05 am by werster »

Offline MrSparkle

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #164 on: April 28, 2009, 02:51:04 pm »
The jump button was not working on my controller on some of the most critical times, and a few times when I really should not have. Worth a few laughs at least?

A speedrun through the first world in Sonic 1...
Doin Good

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #165 on: April 29, 2009, 06:27:22 pm »
Metropolis 2 271 rings.  Also a much faster way of getting them, but I messed it up and had to do an alternate 2:40 long method instead. <_<

Edit: Hey, it includes a cool slope glitch. :(
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 05:03:50 am by Miles9999 »

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #166 on: April 30, 2009, 02:19:06 am »

This run is not even close to perfect, i failed the ending, i failed the fall, but from what i can, you cant shave off a full second...

inb4 13 :(

Edit: this isnt really worth another post. Included sonic (tails) giz of 15. Its a bit different, and 2374652384075 times easier X)

Now working on how to get score...50600 atm :(

Edit: Here attached is tails 0:14. :D And no, I'm not removing my other one, it looks nice to have big numbers next ot my vids <_< >_> (its the tails one btw)

Edit: It took -this- long to record the 13? Anyway whatever, that's one level i wont have to TA again!
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 05:31:21 am by werster »

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #167 on: April 30, 2009, 04:34:04 am »
here is another one :o

Scores: Knux first. 50900 -should- be max, iono, there might be something else here that I'm missing

Edit: Got sonic too. Took a while to figure out how to zip with him, spindash into the wall there, and youll go through :D
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 05:21:18 am by wersterlobe »

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #168 on: May 03, 2009, 12:50:34 am »
Metropolis 2 274 rings.  I don't see any way that you can get the last 3...

Offline Taillow

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Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #169 on: May 03, 2009, 06:25:13 am »
Miles, what rom do you use?  Because I can't watch it <_<

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #170 on: May 04, 2009, 06:40:06 am »
Ok, so for those of you not aware, I've decided to make a giz of every time level for s2(k) and s3k. And any other random ring attack or s1 attempts I make. And now for the first installation! I think getting 10 video after 2 days is pretty respectable. Though half of them are just filler <_<

HP-S-Rings: Yeah, this took more than one go. I am ashamed :(
HP-T-Rings: This did not :o
HP-K: Also one attempt.
Final Zone: Yeah I'm pro.

Done with the filler. Now for...semi-filler!

AI1T-Rings: Eaisest RA in sonic 3 by some margain. Expect the other 2 in the next installation <_<
AI1S-Time: Holy crap, something decent? No! 0:51, this is -awful-
AI1K-Time: 0:50, this is worse
AI1T-Time: 0:49, semi decent. This would be the third giz of these I would watch.

And now for serious business. Even though these are the most likely to be beaten... <_<

HT1-S-Time: 0:40. YOU CALL THAT A ZIP?!?!?
I have about 2354078 0:40's. I should have at least two runs that would have the record here. In fact I did get one! AND I TAPED OVER IT!!! >_< (Also note this is done in idea why)
Edit: 0:39. Why hadn't i done that? God this is so easy to improve too...

IC1-K-Time: 1:19. You've got to be kidding me. Only time I get the boss right I pull out that crap in the level. Wtf at that last platform :(

Edit: IC1-K-Time improved to 1:17 Now it is worth watching.

Edit: AI1-K: 0:47. Heh, that was alarmingly easy, you can get to 45 with this (1 second each side of the check) but its much harder than this is <_<
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 04:43:44 am by werster »

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #171 on: May 04, 2009, 05:40:28 pm »
Mushroom Hill 2 Sonic in 1:14. Not sure if those slope jumps near the end were necessary, but that hit was intentional, so I could run on the spikes.

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #172 on: May 10, 2009, 05:57:57 am »
Ok, only 8 here atm, ill add 2 more later, im taking a break (which will end up being like, tonight <_<) after the last giz here, I got waaaaaaay to frustrated.

AI1S-Rings: Whoo, I'm awesome.

AI2S-Time: 1:28 Awful. I'll beat this later.
AI2T-Time: 1:25 ^ I also died ffs <_<

LR2K-Time: 0:27, not too shabby imo <_< Come on, its less than 30 seconds and beating the currect tsc record by 2 seconds.

IC1S-Time: 1:46. BAAH. This level also pissed me off. However, that is some epic luck in the bonus stages. Another 3 seconds in this :/
IC1T-Time: 1:32. Wtf did i do on that boss o_O I dont care, it's awesome X) Sure enough, I failed the level, 2 more seconds here.

AI2S-Score: 45400. Wow, that was totally awesome, I didn't know i could do that! :D
AI2T-Score: 51900. No, that was shit. -This- is awesome. And for anyone who was in the chat and heard me say it was 52000 for my plan, i must have miscounted. Please don't tell me i missed one, I -must- have miscounted...surely... :(

Edit 1: HT1K-Time: 0:37. OH COME ON!!! So close to a 36 and look at the end on that ramp. THAT IS TOTAL BS!!! With a better curve there that wouldve been 35 :( :( :( (the run sucked in general, but i got the -epic- zip. ps their are 2 deaths at the start <_<)
Edit: You have got to be fucking kidding me. That check was so a 32, and i so fucking ended at 34! THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN 33 WROAR >:O
Edit: 0:34. Whatever, not bothering for 33 now, this shit will do.

Edit 2: Met3K-Time: 1:25. Why had no one done the piston glitch with knux? 3 seconds lost on the boss, prolly 3 in the level, maybe 4 with fine tuning.
Edit: 1:19. Blah, just missed a 46 check :( Also yeah, I forgot there was a check before the boss, sorry for the pause <_<

Edit 3: AI2S-Score Improved to 46100 :D 2 more pwnsome combos, for some reason the manipulation of vines was harder this time, also rhinos <_<

Edit 4: IC1S-Time: 1:04. Why had no one done this before?

Edit 5: IC1S-Time: 0:58. Blehhhhhh, it'll do I guess -_-


Edit 7: LR2K-Time: 0:23. After seeing how easy the step zip is I thought this was needed.
Edit: 0:22. Yeah this ones surely perfect now.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2010, 03:56:41 pm by werster »

Offline DsSaster

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Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #173 on: May 20, 2009, 01:05:16 am »
Metropolis 2 in 14 seconds with Sonic.
I am the champion of TSC! >:D 

Championships held:  Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Battle, Sonic Unleashed (ps2/Wii), Sonic Unleashed (ps3/360), Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Generations.

Zero Point Championships held:  Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Battle, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

I like my speed runs like my steaks...UNFINISHED!!!

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #174 on: May 27, 2009, 02:35:39 pm »
DsS you fail, i already did that >:(

Eh, I'm posting now due to a request. Man i failed that one <_<

Chemical Plant 1 Knux: 0:23. This level sucks. Nothing else to be said.

Chemical Plant 2 Knux: 0:33. This level is actually cool!

SO2S-Time: 2:48. Bleh, i didn't go for the shorter spindash on the last push block thingo, i kept on failing it on other runs. But yeah at least 2:44 here.
Edit: Oh fucking hell. OF COURSE! LIGHTNING SHIELD >:O 2:41 right now, still shaving though, 2:31 is what I'm hoping to reach, 2:27 is the best I've gotten with loose savestates.
Edit 2: 2:36, you'll see just where i fail, at 1:29. Rest of the run is quite smooth, sadly that one failure cost me 5 seconds :(
Edit 3: 2:35. You've got to be fucking kidding me. I finally make the cycle, and I get that rubbish ending?! >:O

Sky Chase Rings Knux: So I missed an easy one. That took waaaaaaaaay too many attempts.

EH1-K: 0:19. Heh, tried this for like 10 minutes, first time I got 19 it was a reasonably low one. 18 certainly is possible, I wouldn't doubt it by a human at all.
EH1S: 0:19. Again, ten minutes, but this one is still a lot harder due to sonic's lame RIGHT MEANS SLOW DOWN attitude >:(

MG1T: 0:55. god this is made of fail, but I am too pissed to keep playing atm.

AR1S: 0:21. Blah, 0:20 is easy, I'm jsut failing and aslo annoyed at the moment.
Edit: 0:20. Why this took so long, I'll never know.

AR1K: 0:19. Whee :D Also 18 is possible, I'd just like to keep some hair on my head ok.

MG1K-Time: 0:58. This took exactly 2 tries, thus can be beaten :(
Edit: 0:55. This is prety shocking too, I'll hit 52 sooner or later.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2009, 03:14:01 am by werster »

Offline DsSaster

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Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #175 on: June 08, 2009, 02:34:05 am »
Werster, because my .giz files are awesome. *shot*
I am the champion of TSC! >:D 

Championships held:  Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure (DX), Sonic Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Riders, Sonic the Fighters, Sonic Battle, Sonic Unleashed (ps2/Wii), Sonic Unleashed (ps3/360), Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Sonic Colors (Wii), Sonic Rivals, Sonic Generations.

Zero Point Championships held:  Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic Chaos, Sonic Battle, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

I like my speed runs like my steaks...UNFINISHED!!!

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #176 on: June 10, 2009, 12:42:27 am »
Sky Chase Rings Sonic: <_<
OO2K: 0:37. This is a pretty solid run, surely 36 is gettable here, I might get it later..after the other 60 giz's i have to go back to <_<

Metro1K: 0:57. Man i fucked up just about everything, how the fuck is this a record. Will re-do.
Edit: 0:55. Blah, 54 possible here, could go to 53 if i wasn't such a wuss :(
Edit 2: 0:53. That's a nice looking run.
Edit 3: 0:52. Finally got one of these levels down.
Edit 4: 0:40. Bah, so close, I'll stop at 39... -_-
Edit 5: 0:39. Finally am done with this! God I'm so happy now :D

HC1T: 0:41. There is a boss strat that I found that is about 3 seconds faster than this, but it's much harder and I'm doing ss attempts atm so you get stuck with this.

DE2T: 3:13. Well that was easy. Easily another 2, prolly will up up being ~10 more seconds in this though <_<
Edit: 3:09. Looks good enough, I'm fairly certain this can be beaten due to me doing no testing whatsoever. Knock yourself out kids! (eredani <_<)

So yeah I insisted on failing DE2S for ages and ages, took a break and then after a few hours gave up with the terrible result of...
OO1K: 0:32. Now seriously, this is an outright record on one of the most played games in a community of the best sonic players around the world? I dont get that at all. I couldn't even spindash there for a second, -and- I noobed up the ending. Can someone please go over these games with me, because I find this a disgrace :(
Edit: 0:31. Oh you have got to be kidding me. That's complete and utter bs ok. BS THAT WASN'T A 30!!! >:(

SB3: 0:11. Yet another easy one i forgot about <_<

HT2K: 0:53. Heh, this level is so easy dammit, and then i just failed the boss <_<

Balloon Park Freestyle 5 Lap: 4:72. Bahahaha, this is a complete joke, even the name fails, couldnt be bothered renaming it :D

HP-S: 0:23. This is a cinch, 22 should be easy though, I'm just failing :(
Edit: 0:22. Thank fuck :(
Edit: 0:21. Good luck ever, ever beating this. Oh yeah, feel free to skip ~80 deaths this time X)
« Last Edit: September 19, 2009, 10:22:43 pm by werster »

Offline FuzZerd

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #177 on: June 19, 2009, 10:02:18 pm »
Green Hill 1 score tool assisted.

edit: improved gh1 score again, now 100 points from maximum at the most.

Sonic 1 TAS improvement

added GH2 and 3 to my GH1 score TAS.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 03:48:07 pm by fuzzerd »

Offline MK

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #178 on: June 22, 2009, 02:43:15 am »
Was doing a random run and got a very odd glitch in AIZ2 o_O can anyone tell me what it is? It happens right after I beat the boss.

Also the run is much longer, ignore that tho :P (also I noticed I dated it wrong, I recorded it today, the 22nd, not the 21st)

Movie desyncs at ICZ, but before that everything is fine.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 02:56:04 am by MK »

Offline werster

Re: The Random .giz Topic
« Reply #179 on: July 11, 2009, 10:29:45 pm »
Edit: Putting this at the top because its awesome. 0:42 DEATH EGG :D :D :D

Balloon Park Freestyle one lap: 0:71. This is even -more- of a joke. Only took one try though :D
Edit: 0:70. <_<

Death Egg 1 Sonic Freestyle: 1:18. Wow, this is the most fun I have had playing sonic for a good while, though the eventfulness of fresstyle is still limited.

Green Hill 2: 0:13. This is about the 5th time i've gotten this, dunno why i didn't have a .giz, took 5 minutes heh <_<

Casino Night 1 Sonic: 0:25. Yeaaa, one of the most annoying levels to TA gets broken. Kudos to Koshi for finding this one, and partial to Fuzz for explaining the ending <_<
Edit: 0:24. Found out a way to actually have the signpost spin a bit quicker. Don't see this being beaten by a human.

Casino Night 1 Knuckles: 0:23. Yeaaaa, I love this level now X)

Emerald Hill 2 Sonic: 0:37. So for the upcoming S2 race i decided it was time to relearn the paths i forgot a year ago. So I watch stanski's vid for EH2, seems easy enough. I wait a few hours, come back and decide to stick the path in my memory. I end up with a 37 on my first attempt, think the run is a bit shabby and think 36 might be possible. Sure enough I see one person on 36, about what I expected. I then see only -two- people on 37 and the masses on 38 and even 39. Seriously people, what. the. fuck. This is a level I had forgotten how to do for a year and only 3 other people can match my first attempt? I am seriously, seriously ashamed. You all need to pick up your act ffs.
Edit: 0:36. /me picks up act~

Death Egg Knuckles: 0:49. No one has this? Seriously? Come on people, that may have been a really high 49 but that end spindash wasn't ideal, and i seriously thought i sucked at this level. Bleh, you guys are letting me down of recent :(
Edit: Yeah fuck you cruizer. Also why do I suck at this so much? Correction, why does everyone else suck more! >:O
shh :(
Edit: Ok and it turns out that one was 50 and 0 frames. But this one is 49! I PROMISE!!!

Mystic Cave 1 Knuckles: 0:31. This is the most fun I have had competing without freestyle for some time. A beautiful route, excellent music, and actually quite easy and relaxing :)
Edit: 0:30. Bah, knowing that 28 is possible hurts me, even though this actually looks pretty good -_-

Oil Ocean 2 Sonic: 0:37. Wheeee :D
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 09:50:57 pm by werster »


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